viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

This career is very exhausting and the university doesn´t help so much. In this university, the workload is very heavy: in workshop, we have to make models and blades all the time, and for the others subject we don’t have time for studying or making works, like a presentations or essays. The time extra that require all the subjects is illogical in respect with the time that we have, its impossible.
The only option is always have priorities, make the models and work of workshop and after studying for the other subject (if you reach). It’s so exhausting mindly and physidly.
Besides, there are some subject that in my opinion are not necessaries , such as PHS for example; Is a subject that in some future maybe might be useful, but now are not, or the CFG (.general training course) that really they don’t serving for nothing.  Also, might add in the curriculum some course of digital work or workshop about programs like cad or Photoshop, because we learning alone and could be very useful for workshop.

The faculty don’t have the necessary equipment that we need, starting for the infrastructure; cold rooms in Winter and hot rooms in Summer. The sound is unbearable, especially in rooms next to yard roofed. Missing more fresh spaces for relaxing and working because with the hall it's not enough.
The teachers in general are very good, with professional career very awesome and I am very according with this, but the faculty have to get better the infrastructure and the schedules, because the time that we give to the subject is illogical.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018


What is your opinion about water scarcity?

The water is the basic element for make life. If there is no water, there is no life. Moreover, I don’t understand why is too difficult that the people realize that. In El Cabo, south Africa, they are in a crisis of water; they even talked about day 0, where everyone would be without water. There are be aware about environments problems because is more serious that we think.

Resultado de imagen para el cabo ciudad sin agua
El Cabo

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases?

I thing that the abortion should be a right for every woman. Is much more responsible that than bring a baby without money, a home and love. There is many people against the abortion and I respect his opinion, nothing is forcing anyone to abort. I would not do it.

What is your opinion about tattoos?

I love tattoos. I don’t have anyone but one day I will have one. Esthetically the tattoos is very beautiful and personal, represent our tastes and thoughts. Is take in your skin something about your personality, memories and people. I don’t know if the tattoos remain a difficulty for find job. I hope no. 

Resultado de imagen para TATUANDO

What is your opinion about television?

The television is very indifference for me. And for many people actually. With internet and Netflix the people is happier that see something imposing for the television. If I want to see a news I reading a news in internet, all the information is in internet. In a short time, the television will extinguish and I didn’t care.

Resultado de imagen para TELEVISION OBSOLETA